
FISU's Eternal Flame Emblem

Eternal Flame


Meditation Course

FISU’s Eternal Flame Logo

The FISU Emblem “THE ETERNAL FLAME” – represents the illumined inner consciousness that resides within each one of us.

The emblem has nine elements: seven within the flame and two within the bowl. The flame has seven gradations of colour; five grosser levels represent the five elements that comprise the universe (Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether) and correspondingly in man, the five physical senses (seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching).

The blue section towards the centre of the flame represents the primal manifestation of divinity, which is omnipresent like the blueness of the sky. The blue of the flame represents the first or primal manifestation from which heat emanates. Finally, the white at the centre of the flame symbolises the source of all from which everything proceeds – the source of all creation, everythingness and nothingness.

The Ghee bowl has three symmetrical points symbolising the Trinity or 3 Gunas. Within the bowl is Ghee or clarified butter pertaining to purity, or the process of the cleansing of the soul that the Spiritual aspirant experiences to find purity within himself.

The design on the Ghee bowl symbolises velocity, thereby representing the heightened speed of Unfoldment through FISU’s personally prescribed practices.

We use our physical senses to begin the journey within, and by diving within ourselves, we transcend the grosser levels and reach the finer and finer levels that reside there.

The purifying process, as represented by the intensity of the burning flame from the ghee, is the path the soul takes on its journey to self-realisation – from grossness to fineness.

Through FISU Meditation, we open our Hearts and allow these subtle energies to become the guiding force in our lives as we journey from grossness to subtleness, from externality to internality and from darkness to light, thereby realising and recognising the Divinity that we truly are!


  • The flame represents the “Illumined Inner Consciousness” deep within each one of us.
  • The emblem has nine elements: seven gradations within the flame, the ghee and ghee bowl.
  • The flame has seven gradations of colour. Five grosser representing the five elements that compose the universe (Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether) and correspondingly in man, the five physical senses (seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching).
  • The blue layer represents the finest relative manifestation of Divinity and its omnipresence (sky analogy). Finally, the white centre of the flame represents – Everythingness – Nothingness.
  • The ghee bowl has three symmetric points symbolising the Trinity.
  • The ghee itself represents purity gained from the cleansing of the soul through Spiritual Unfoldment.
  • The design on the bowl represents the velocity or speed of unfoldment that is expedited by FISU’s personally prescribed Meditation and Spiritual practices.

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