‘Boost Learning/Memory’ With Meditation

Meditation classes could do a lot to help improve your mind if the results of a new study are to be believed, revealing that certain techniques could drive changes in grey matter and make your brain bigger, boosting your memory and learning capacity and helping you to control your emotions more effectively.
Scientists from the University of Harvard found that eight weeks after people went to weekly group sessions of gentle yoga and breathing exercises, and did the same for 30 minutes a day on their own, they had thicker grey matter in various parts of their brain than those in the control group.
“If you use a particular part of your brain, it’s going to grow because you are using it. It really is mental exercise. Basically, the idea is ‘use it or lose it’. It’s like building a muscle,” neuroscientist at Harvard Dr Sara Lazar was quoted by the Daily Mail as saying.
You can also use meditation to tackle any feelings of stress you might be experiencing. A recent study from the Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences found that meditating for 25 minutes over three consecutive days can have a real impact and reduce these feelings almost straightaway.
Given how stressful modern life has become, doing all you can to tackle the problem head on seems to be a good idea. It’s easy to get overwhelmed but by taking a few minutes each day to sit down quietly, relax and enter into a contemplative state can only be beneficial.
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