The 3 “I”s – Intellect – Intelligence – Intuition
Intelligence vs Intellect + Intuition
Intelligence is built by acquiring information and knowledge from external sources such as schools, universities, teachers, textbooks and Gurus. Intelligence is there to help us acquire knowledge.
The intellect is developed through your individual effort by exercising the faculty of questioning, thinking and reasoning – not accepting anything that does not admit logic or reason and knowing the difference between the two.
Through spiritual unfoldment we further develop the intellect to bring forth the powers of discrimination, which brings our intellect to a higher state of functionality.
This means that we can acquire knowledge but it is not necessarily used to our advantage. The knowledge acquired is of no use without an intellect.
We need to take the intellect to the next level and through unfoldment and drawing on those powerful, subtle energies that reside within, our discriminatory facilities become intuitive.
True intuition is beyond the intellect but it uses our emotions to portray itself for the purpose of tangibility.
Acquired knowledge when fully assimilated becomes wisdom. There’s a vast chasm between intellectual understanding and wisdom and the conduit that connects the two is meditation. So meditate!
………..Rajesh Ananda (From Satsang: CY2015/01 – recorded and transcribed on the first night of the Cyprus Togathering!)
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