Jasmini Ananda’s 80th Birthday year comes to a close!

As the year end draws to a close, we reflect on this special 80th birthday year for Jasmini Ananda.
Her celebration in July of this year was indeed something spectacular and her dedication video including the “Hummingbird Poem” – and Rajesh singing “We dreamed a dream that came alive”, will remain with for us forever. You can download the Poem by following this link. Her 80th year was saluted by drummers just after her “Humming Bird” themed birthday cake was cut.
Jasmini was dressed in a stunning electric blue sari that was later modeled in an amazing cake at another celebration of her 80th birthday in Cyprus.

Jasmini Ananda – 80th Birthday Celebrations
Jasmini´s roots are in the tropical, Windward islands of Trinidad and Tobago – a twin state located off the South American coast and just 35kms from Venezuela. Albeit, she has spent the majority of her waking life here in the UK, you can still hear the Caribbean lilt in her voice.
It´s quite amazing that she came to the UK, met Gururaj and then met Rajesh. Gururaj being based in South Africa, and so far from Trinidad, so evidently their meeting was not by chance!
Jasmini wishes to thank everyone for their loving wishes during this year and for those who came to attend her London celebration, and especially those that attended from abroad. She also give thanks for the many gifts bestowed upon her with such loving kindness.
It´s a milestone to reach 80 years, and despite her health challenges she is still able to guide, teach, travel and be with us all – a blessing indeed.
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Anusha Ashby
Watching this video again, reinforces how powerful it is. Three divine channels, one message! When listening to Jasmini talk, we can experience the Shakti emanating. We can feel the love from all the meditators, touched to their core. If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s one to watch;. So beautifully created it’s truly Iconic, one to view and listen to in years and years to come. Love to everyone.
Fred Jones
Happy Birthday Jasmini
It was such a wonderful experience to share that moment with you. I felt really blessed.
Love and Namaste