Meditating minimises workplace Stress that usually heightens Asthma Risk

The fear of redundancy and potential job losses could see more people develop asthma. A new study by scientists at the University of Amsterdam, the University of Dusseldorf and New Zealand’s Massey University has found that those with such concerns are 60 per cent more likely to develop the condition for the first time because of all the stress.
Director of research and policy at Asthma UK, Dr Samantha Walker, commented on the findings, telling the Independent Newspaper: “Stress is a well-known trigger for asthma symptoms – 69 per cent of people with the condition say it causes them to experience asthma symptoms that may lead them to have a potentially life-threatening asthma attack.”
If you are concerned about the levels of work stress and how it may have an impact on your health, it could be worth looking into how taking up the practice of meditation might be of benefit to you. Meditation is becoming increasingly popular around the world and involves sitting comfortably in order to allow your attention to drift relaxingly away without focusing on any problems with your past or any that may occur in the future.
The practice is particularly effective when it comes to treating anxiety, as those with the condition often have difficulty managing their own distracting thoughts and cannot identify a nagging concern that is unproductive to focus on. Meditation and Mindfulness can help them to recognise these thoughts for what they are and can train individuals to act instead of reacting to them in a completely different way, thus alleviating any feelings of stress or anxiety.
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