Meditation Training Courses ‘Could Help With PTSD’
Booking yourself a place on one of our meditation training courses could prove fruitful if you are experiencing any symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), with a new study coming out of the US revealing that yoga meditation exercises could prove to be an effective treatment for the condition.
According to the survey from the Center for Investigating Healthy Minds at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, relaxing through meditation can have a direct impact on the autonomic nervous system, with hyperarousal – the system that controls bodily functions like the beating of the heart – believed to be at the core of PTSD and what causes many of its symptoms.
People experiencing PTSD symptoms suffer from personality changes, heightened anxiety and intrusive memories, although hyperarousal – an overreaction to harmless stimuli – is thought to be the main one.
Author of the study Richard Davidson said: “This was a preliminary attempt to begin to gather some information on whether this practice of meditation and other breathing techniques actually reduces symptoms of PTSD.”
If you’re concerned about your state of mind and want to do all you can to improve it without turning to prescribed medication as a solution, meditation could be just the answer you’re looking for. To give it a go, just start doing between 20 and 30 minutes of FISU Meditation twice a day for a week and see if it makes a difference – it normally show results quickly. You should be able to notice the effects within this time, but continued practice will bring guaranteed results. See our Courses page for more information.
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