Meditation/Mindfulness To Tackle Depression In Pregnancy?
Meditation and mindfulness techniques could do a lot to help pregnant women who are more at risk of experiencing major depression manage their conditions more effectively, a new study is now suggesting.
Conducted by the University of Colorado Boulder, techniques like breathing exercises, yoga and meditation can all prove beneficial, with practices like prenatal yoga and walking meditation that can be carried on post-birth and integrated into busy lives all designed to address worry and put a greater emphasis on kindness towards yourself and your baby.
Lead author of the study and associate professor at the university’s Department of Psychology and Neuroscience Sona Dimidjian observed how important it is for those women who are at more risk of experiencing depression to have options available with regards to treatment.
“For some women, antidepressant medication is truly a lifesaver, but others want a non-pharmacological intervention. This programme focuses on teaching women skills and practices that are designed to help them stay well and care for themselves and their babies during this important time of life,” she remarked.
There are lots of other health benefits to practising mindfulness and meditation as well. If, for example, you suffer from severe migraines you can do a lot to alleviate your symptoms if you do certain exercises, while it has also been suggested that it can help relieve symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and help epileptics manage their conditions.
If you have health concerns you’d like to address this year, meditation and mindfulness could be an excellent avenue to pursue. FISU Meditation also offer both pregnancy and birthing techniques.
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