Showing 465–480 of 503 results
Amrit on healing, suffering, giving mandala techniques, sitting up with prep. technique. Gururaj – jerks and shuddering in meditation / Drugs / energy flow in subtle body / Spiritual link / Hating mantra / Distasteful mantra / Strength – anger / Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna / Miracle seekers / Tratak / Imagining and visualisation / Prep. technique / Purpose of our teaching.
Robert – reading list – Vivekananda / Full Counsellors discuss phenomena and experiences in Gururaj's initiation of them / Is there a being who knows it all / Development and integration – concerned about the heart and emotions being led astray by the mind and emotions / Killing (snails on my lettuce / and antibiotics ) letting die / Praying to our Father who is our Selves / Affirmations.
Healing of / Yogananda – soul's journey through the world and self-realisation / Jivamukta – man is self – realised but “windows need cleaning” / Work on one weakness gradually and automatically eradicates others / Story of lion and sheep / God and the devil -sin – beyond conception of God / Here and now / Lessons not all sweetness – facing and understanding ups and downs -tiredness in the mind.
Healing (part only) / Positive thoughts – understandings / Can we take the teachings of tantra teachers / Values of truth for the individual / How do we know the truth / Human status in the universal order / What is the sin against the Holy Spirit.
Activity and expression / Dualism and monism / Sirvikalpa samadhi and Nirvikalpa samadhi – paths to Divinity / Hatha yoga – different yoga's and different paths / Path of service / Amrit chat on Hatha yoga / Energy flow and Hatha yoga / Patanjali and siddhis / Siddhi experiences in meditation and how to regard them.
Prayer and meditation / Sex and the single person / Karma taken on by intercourse with someone – no / Draining of spiritual energy with sex / Moral values / Sins of parents visited on the children / Power of practices / Chants / Pranayama and chant / Humility and pride / Colour of Gururaj's clothes each day / Reincarnation and time – creation / Chat on Capetown and Johannesburg / Closing of senses test.
Group meditation / Wholeness and health / Integration of body, mind and spirit / IFSU around the world / Children / Abortion / Choice of soul / Coincidence and incidence / Hatha yoga / Freewill and signing up / Karma / Divine will / Freewill / Pranayama – Karma / Heart / Role of science and technology in world, or return to nature.
Dharmic partners / Healing energy / Spiritual healing / Darshan – all can be healers / Doubts / What determines sex of child / Why are most Gurus male.
Guruvar / Future unpredictable / What can we do about planning / Fate, etc. / Astrology / Healing / Open egos / Brahmachari – celibacy.
Anger / Suppression / Expression / Negative thoughts / Anger in temple – Jesus and the Moneylenders / Past and future preoccupies me / How can I live in present.
Prayer / Test reports / Living without food etc. / Talk on the siddhis / Living off the sun's energy / Experiences in meditation. Amrit.
Is there a turnover point in self-development e.g. a breakthrough, when things suddenly become easier / Unity / Separation / Competition / Positive and negative / Is it essential or not / Activity is food for the soul / Is there a point where expression returns to soul.
Discussion of group practices / Chanting / Gong meditation / Meditation / Religion / What extent is progress influenced by past experience of religion and philosophy / How can we know if psychic experience of Gururaj is real, etc. / Path to joy / Here and now / What is the secret of it / Love / To what extent is it possible for one being to affect another.
Soul forfeiting / People / Progress / Evolution / State
Introduction by Amrit / Gururaj / Prayer – English / Does evil exist / Story of God staying on earth / Internal method of moving the mind / Emotions in the chakras / Talk on new age /Amrit's story of end of century / Devotional forces / Time and timelessness / Mind, body, essential self and cosmic consciousness / End.
Prana / Mediumship, its fallacies / Dharmic partners, sharing with duty / Bonds beyond one's karma / Soul mates / Marital break-up and Vedic standards / Possession, its fallacies / Assessing Guru's level of consciousness / Dharma and sincerity / Gurushakti -ref. to introductory talks / Choice of mantras for students / Control of emotions / Reason for the Divine manifesting itself in creation
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