Showing 49–64 of 503 results
Is it wrong to have expectations and is it acceptable not to confirm to expectations – does this make you a selfish person for not doing so
Is it possible to become non-attached to life and my children, if so, how? And do you need to be self-realised to do so / At a previous Togathering you spoke about the reason for the Avatar incarnation and seven enlightened persons being present on earth. Can you please speak more about this / The recent child sex abuse scandal in the Catholic church has broken the faith of many Christians. What are your thoughts about these reported cases of paedophilia and the fact that the priests involved were allowed to continue practising and abusing children instead of facing criminal charges. Also, do you feel that this scandal will bring about the demise of Catholicism / Can you give us an insight into your past incarnations – how do you know what you were and how do you know. Also did our paths cross / In any situation, when do you stay and fight and when do you move on / What does the character, personality and actions of an enlightened soul look like. Are they able to feel unconditional love for someone who has committed crimes such as murder, rape and abuse / How is it that prayers are answered and is it important to pray? / What is a Spiritual marriage
Why do so many people act or speak with hate or harmful actions / Why do we say good Friday when Jesus died on the cross that day / Is it possible that all mythological creatures could all be real / How does light travel so fast / Can you tell me about Pharaohs, pyramids and Egypt / Why are there so many selfish people in the world / Why is my hubby chubby / Why is it not advisable to have massage, reflexology, Indian head massage while practising meditation
Could you talk about discrimination / When are people going to start treating their bodies as temples and stop abusing themselves / Can you advise how I can change a lifetime habit of eating too much without the need to put locks on the fridge and cupboard / Why is their so much anger in our society today
Does regular meditation help prevent dementia / Could you please explain more about what a Catalyst is / Can you please explain how Gurus are used to destroy negativity in chelas and how this can affect their physical / How is the Gurushakti picture empowered – are you meditating when it is taken / How do we recognise the true Guru
Can you please speak about how Kamma and Karma influence our daily life and can we alter these through meditation / Where does the Karma lie in a natural disaster / How important is it to have a purpose and how does karma interact with our purposes
As we are a manifestation of Divinity, does this mean that God too is learning and evolving
We are taught to respect everyone’s religious beliefs for fear of offending them, but my question is why / What is your ‘moto’ in life / What is the karmic debt of someone who has taken their own life. What experiences would they need to go through in their next lifetime to correct that action.
We as meditators are taught non-attachment but what should we do when we notice others becoming too attached to us / Since the relationship between guilt and resentment is an emotionally charged on, how can we deal with unfairness and misjudgements / I lost trust through relationship complications how do I learn to begin to let trust creep back in again / Why is it that some people are so fortunate and can have children and yet others cant / Can you explain how by taking the path of least resistance we align our energies with the flow of life and find greater peace within
Why is it that many people around me feel so happy and balanced without meditating while I put so much conscious effort to meditate twice a day in order to achieve this same balance / How do I find the courage to walk away from my job when I am not sure what else I would do / Do you think that we are losing the art of good conversation and community spirit with all of this new technology such as sms, email, facebook and twitter / Are there too many human beings on the planet for our own good
Can you please talk about how we can be non-attached with our loved ones? Even though I know that there is not such a thing as death, I have a fear of losing them / If God wants us to overcome them mind, how do we strive to do this / What other treatments or techniques can we partake in whilst meditating with FISU’s teachings / There are so many things that I would like to do in life. How can I break it all down so I can enjoy it more / Can you please explain Deja-vu / Can you please speak about our perception of time and living at the moment
What do you see when you look into our eyes / How can we experience Divine love when we don’t know what love is / Are all meditators good people.
Why do we still crave worldly things when we know in our hearts that they can never bring us true happiness
Can you please talk about expectation and are there certain things in life that we can expect / How did you become a Guru / Can you please speak about how to learn to understand and believe in karma and reincarnation when situation seem so unfair
Can you please talk to us about the different paths of ‘yoga’ and which path did you take with Gururaj / Is there ever a time when we have learnt all we need to and if so what next / Why am I scared of spiders / Whenever you mention Avatars, you never mention Mohammed. Although he may not have been an Avatar, surely he must have been spiritually evolved in order to give rise to the world religion of Islam / What is the ultimate goal for FISU?
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