G/UK80/15 – Discriminating between ego games and guiding intelligence
Discriminating between ego games and guiding intelligence.
G/UK80/14 – Do highly developed soul have an ordinary personality? Judging a spiritual master, Living in the moment
Highly developed soul have ordinary personality? / Judging a spiritual master / Living in the moment.
G/UK80/13 – Right attitude for spiritual growth and its importance? Importance of meat, alcohol and tobacco?
Right attitude for spiritual growth and its importance? / Importance of meat, alcohol and tobacco ?
G/UK80/11 – If our minds fool us into a non truth, does it really matter? Mechanics of knowledge
When talking to people how, do we know what we know / If our minds fool us into a non truth, does it really matter? / Mechanics of knowledge.
G/UK80/10 – Concepts, Deluded by Lifetime Concepts
Concepts / How we are deluded in our lives because of lifetime concepts.* * Not a complete tape – questions and first part are missing.
G/UK80/9 – Universal soul composed of Universal mind, Soul that is distinct from Divine Spirit
Universal soul composed of Universal mind / Soul that is distinct from Divine Spirit / Ego part and parcel of individual mind.
G/UK80/8 – Why some people don’t meditate, Dream therapy,The Avatar, Resolving guilt, Control of pain
Why some people don’t meditate / Dream therapy / The Avatar / Resolving guilt / Control of pain.
G/UK80/7 – Why do Avatars need 30 years when they are born karma free? Dealing with others upset or frightened by our spiritual growth
Why do Avatars need 30 years when they are born karma free? / Dealing with others upset or frightened by our spiritual growth.
G/UK80/6 – Spiritual Names, Peace, Healing Prayer, Occult & Psychics (RF)
Spiritual names / Teaching / Peace / Healing prayer / Occult and psychics / Fear of meditation / Teachers remarks on forms / Speaking of Gurushakti to new people / Initiation and mantra / Individual vibration /Gurushakti / Time spent with problem meditators / Effort in meditation.
G/UK80/5 – When did Christ say, “I am the only way”? Some Christians dismiss all other teachings because of this saying
When did Christ say, “I am the only way”? / Some Christians dismiss all other teachings because of this saying.
G/UK80/4 – Are the paths of the householders and serious spiritual seekers reconcilable?
Are the paths of the householders and serious spiritual seekers reconcilable?
G/UK80/3 – Knowledge and wisdom, Signposts on the spiritual path
Knowledge and wisdom / Signposts on the spiritual path.
G/UK80/2 – Discussion of levels of awareness and perception
Discussion of levels of awareness and perception.
G/UK80/1 – Teaching, Is statement, “God is Love” completely true?
Teaching / Is statement, “God is Love” completely true ?