G/UK77/30 – Non-Violence, differnces Between Mantra and Spiritual Names, Love Thy Enemies
Non-violence, its validity and limits / Mind and what can we do about it / Difference between mantra and spiritual name / Love thy enemies / Opportunities for growth / How can one be in the moment and love them.
G/UK77/29 – Thought energy – speed – Selectivity, Do Good & Be Good, Karma Yoga
Thought energy – speed – selectivity – mechanics / Do good – be good and mood making – karma yoga / Blessing.
G/UK77/28 – Possibility of Catastrophe and its Aversion – Teaching and Humility
Possibility of catastrophe and its aversion – teaching and humility / Guru and worship vs.
G/UK77/27 – Stonehenge, Reincarnation to Other Worlds & Civilisations, Where Do We Start on the Journey
Stonehenge / Reincarnation to other worlds and civilisations / Life – reincarnation and where do we start on the journey
G/UK77/26 – Chirdren and Meditation , Experience in the Womb
Children and meditation – how should we approach it / Experience in the womb and at childbirth – is birth traumatic / Is it advisable to go to the Hare Krishna Temple / Meditator's experience / Blessing.
G/UK77/25 – About Chant, Money and Giving, Love
About chant / Money and giving / What is the best way to benefit from your advice / Love.
G/UK77/24 – What carries the Samskaras, Society and Can We Change It
Which part carries the samskaras between births / Society in a mess – change it / How can we change it / How can we change to avert a catastrophe.
G/UK77/23 – Desires , Parents and Children and Their Responsibilities Between Them
Must all desires be fulfilled / What about conflicting desires / What are the reciprocal responsibilities of parents and children to each other / Can one pray for the welfare of deceased loved one / What is the meaning of the chant / Spontaneous chant.
G/UK77/22 – Christ and Gururaj and Realised Beings, Balancing the Laws of Karma, Subtle Bodies
Christ and Gururaj and realised beings – Avatara / Decisions and making them – balancing the laws of Karma / How can you tell the lesser evil / Subtle bodies – how do they fit in closeness and can Gururaj see them all the time / Groups – different movements / Doug
G/UK77/21 – Nature of Laughter and Tears, God’s Participation in Future Knowledge
About laughter and Jokes, e.g. fear – nature of laughter and tears / God's participation in future knowledge.
G/UK77/20 – Fear of Loss of Death, Telepathy and Intuition
Fear – loss – after loss of fear of death – nature is Divinity / Why are meditations boring – to be discussed personally / Flashes of telepathy and intuition- the mechanics – siddhis – Patanjali – Sutras -healing / Justification for siddhis / Tratak.
G/UK77/19 – Role of Devas, Gods, Christ, Personal Got etc. , Dealing with Negativity
What is the role of devas, gods, Christ, personal God etc. If subconsciously negativity comes to the fore, how can one deal with it, especially if it is overpowering.
G/UK77/18 – Choices Between Lives , Choice of Path or Guru, Why is Difficult to Recognise Divinity
Reincarnation – choices – between lives / Time dimension and awareness / Choice of path or Guru / Why is it so difficult to recognise divinity.
G/UK77/17 – Fear, Perfect Love, Choosing Before We are Born and the Interim Period
Fear – perfect love / Choosing before we are born and the interim period.
G/UK77/16 – Promises to Each Other, What is Purification How it Works and Relation with Karma, Reincarnation and the Memory of Past Lives
Promises – to each other – what is there in a promise / When is it advantageous to remember previous lives / How and what is purification / In this life are we continuing purification / Does the technique destroy karma of the past and future / Reincarnation – is it inevitable that you will remember – Why don't all mystics talk about it / How does one explain the creation to a materialist.