Jasmini Ananda Picture 1 – Portrait 8″x10″ – Signature Photograph
Jasmini Ananda Picture 1 – Portrait 8″x10″
R/UK 2010/10 – How to Make the Best of the Experiences and How Facing Fears & Insecurities, Being Confident at Work and in Life Relationships, Initiation Day (RF)
How do you make the best of the experiences which allow you to face your fears and insecurities / How can I improve my confidence professionally so it does not impact and lead to a downward spiral of self-doubt and anxious reflection / Although I feel happy and complete in my own life, I still find it hard to confide in my nearest and dearest – how do I overcome that / Am I too harsh when being realistic – is it me being non-attached / We all have out own experience of our initiation day. Can you please tell us about your initiation and experiences when you were introduced to IFSU?
R/UK 2010/9 – Meditation Shows with Clarity Our Self , Our Issues and Sometimes Can Be Very Frustrating, Detachment to the Loved Ones, Glimpses of Light & Enlightenment
I love meditation but sometimes can find it frustrating. I have great highs and great lows but in my times of detachment I can see my self image and recently it has become clear that I have a deep rooted issue. I remain regular and this issue becomes clearer and clearer yet remains stubborn in terms of pulling that root out and ridding myself of a burden that I feel holds me back from success in my working life / Why is it that people who do a lot for others seem to be less appreciated than those who don’t ever seem to care of help others / Most mystics talk a lot about detachment and the giving up of your ego self leading to enlightenment and peace. I find this difficult to do especially when I think about loved ones and how to differentiate yourself from the ego self / Through meditation I have seen glimpses of light. Is it possible to wave most of the clouds away and enjoy the quality light relationships / Assuming there is a higher boss to go to, what’s the best way to deal with an irrational boss
R/UK 2010/8 – Is it Wrong to Have Expectations & Is it Acceptable not to Confirm to Expectations – does This Make you a Selfish Person for Not Doing so
Is it wrong to have expectations and is it acceptable not to confirm to expectations – does this make you a selfish person for not doing so
R/UK 2010/7 – How to Became Non-Attached to Life And My Children, Avatar and His Present On Earth, Child Sex Abuse, Incarnations , Spiritual Marriage (RF)
Is it possible to become non-attached to life and my children, if so, how? And do you need to be self-realised to do so / At a previous Togathering you spoke about the reason for the Avatar incarnation and seven enlightened persons being present on earth. Can you please speak more about this / The recent child sex abuse scandal in the Catholic church has broken the faith of many Christians. What are your thoughts about these reported cases of paedophilia and the fact that the priests involved were allowed to continue practising and abusing children instead of facing criminal charges. Also, do you feel that this scandal will bring about the demise of Catholicism / Can you give us an insight into your past incarnations – how do you know what you were and how do you know. Also did our paths cross / In any situation, when do you stay and fight and when do you move on / What does the character, personality and actions of an enlightened soul look like. Are they able to feel unconditional love for someone who has committed crimes such as murder, rape and abuse / How is it that prayers are answered and is it important to pray? / What is a Spiritual marriage
R/UK 2010/6 – People Acting with Hate or Harmful Actions, Good Friday & Jesus, Alternative Practices Not Good Combine with Mediation (RF)
Why do so many people act or speak with hate or harmful actions / Why do we say good Friday when Jesus died on the cross that day / Is it possible that all mythological creatures could all be real / How does light travel so fast / Can you tell me about Pharaohs, pyramids and Egypt / Why are there so many selfish people in the world / Why is my hubby chubby / Why is it not advisable to have massage, reflexology, Indian head massage while practising meditation