R/UK 2009/2 – Thoughts & Meditation
Can you please explain about desires and spiritual unfoldment / Is meditation still beneficial if I my thoughts are just replaying the events of the whole day / I have found that I worry a lot, how can I overcome this
R/UK 2009/1 – Spiritual Unfoldment
Is there a place for regret to assist us with our unfoldment
R/UK 2008/15 – Non-Attachment & Objectiveness to the Problems, Individual Purpose in Life
How can I be non-attached to the problems of my close ones and still be able to help them / How can I be sure that I am carrying out my intended individual purpose as opposed to that chosen for me by others through years of conditioning
R/UK 2008/13 – Keeping the FISU’s Teachings Alive, Finding the Other Half
Which body will you choose in your next life and how will you make sure that FISU's teachings continue / When you meditate what do you feel like / How does one know when they have found the person they are going to spend the rest of their life with
R/UK 2008/12 – How does the Mind Think, Why do Some People Appear to Attract Illness/Suffering in Their Lives
How does the mind think / Is it possible to know who we were in a previous life / Why do some people appear to attract illness/suffering throughout their lives / How can I be non-attached to my work and still give it my best / How can I become more assertive / How can I guide my children not to be influenced by other peoples insecurities
R/UK 2008/11 – Spiritual Journey & Integration with The Divine
Should my gratitude of these wonderful experiences not be better directed to you, Gururaj and Jasmini rather than towards an abstract force / When on a spiritual journey as we integrate with the Divine, are we then destined to be alone / Is it possible to will things to happen, whether they are good or bad
R/UK2008/10 – If I don’t believe in a God, will meditation still help me
If I don’t believe in a God, will meditation still help me / Is God a creation of our imagination or are we a creation of God
R/UK2008/9 – Can meditation help us to overcome our Samskaras, Black Magic
On this planet, who is your responsibility to / Can meditation help us to overcome our samskaras / Does black magic exist and can it cause people to become sick / Can you please talk about patience and perseverance on the spiritual path
R/UK2008/8 – Inadequacy and feeling Jealous, Confronting Hurt, Anger, Self-Realisation
How can I overcome the feeling of inadequacy and feeling jealous / If someone has hut you, is it better to confront them or say nothing just to keep the peace / Why is there so much anger in the word / What is the feeling of self realisation and am I likely to reach it and how would I know
R/UK2008/7 – Spiritual Heart, Violence & Killing, Cruelty, Dharma
How does the spiritual heart work / How can we help our nation to rid our streets of violence and unlawful killings / Why is there so much violence and cruelty in our society and what can we do to change this / Can you please speak to us about the Avatar and Gururaj’s experience of realising his dharma
R/UK2008/6 – Fuel Energies, Self Realised, Six Forces, Avatar, Guru-Chela Link
Can you please speak about the reduction in the planets oil and fuel energies / How many other self realised people are there in the world / Please can you speak to us about the six forces that accompany the Avatar / Can you please explain how certain thoughts become reality / When you are meditating do you send us energies and also can you please talk about the Guru-Chela link
R/UK 2008/4 – Believing in God is Necessary if Ones Meditate, Explain Benefits of Meditation, Numbers & Spirituality
Can you be a successful meditator if you do not believe in God or Divinty / How can I explain the benefits of meditation to someone who thinks they will benefit from a psychiatrist / Is there any significance in certain numbers being associated with Spirituality / How can I help a friend who suffers from severe depression / How do we overcome anxiety
R/UK 2008/3 – Pain, Clairvoyant Messages, Laws of Attraction, Western World Turns Towards Meditation
What is pain and how can we overcome it / What should I do with the messages that I pick up from those that have passed over and would like me to pass these messages onto their loved ones / The laws of attraction / Do you think that as the economic power returns to China and India that the Western world may turn towards meditation / What makes us grow up
R/UK 2008/2 – What is Stress, Progressing Along the Spiritual Path
What is stress / How does one know how they are progressing along their spiritual path