R/UK 2008/1 – Are Resistance & Doubt Part of the Deepening Process
Are resistance and doubt part of the deepening process
R/UK 2007/13 – Past and Future are Projections of the Mind, Human Kingdom & its Evolution, Ego (RF)
What is time and is it real and what do you mean by the past and the future are just projections of the mind / Please can you talk about the ‘Peace the Passeth all Understanding’ / Will the human kingdom ever evolve itself into extinction / Can you please explain why in our waking state we are aware of our thoughts and actions but during sleep state we are not / Is it possible to be passionate about something and non-attached / How can I ensure that my ego does not impede my progress along the Spiritual Path
R/UK 2007/11 – Why was Life Made, Let Go & Trust the Divine Plan, Faith
Why was life made / Why is it that two children brought up in the same environment can display totally different behaviour and traits / How do we truly learn to let go and completely trust in Divinity and the Divine plan / Could you talk to us about faith
R/UK 2007/10 – Living in The Moment, Experiencing Divine Love, Patience, Sharing, Caring in Relationships, Being your Chela in Other Life
Living in the moment / Is it possible for us to experience Divine love or can we only experience love at the relative level / Can you talk about patience in relationships and the importance of self integration so we can move towards sharing, caring and communication as opposed to arguments and being unhappy / Will I have the opportunity to be your Chela again in another life or having these beautiful teachings so readily available
R/UK 2007/9 – Finding the Desirable Happiness, Whats Our Dharma is, Symbols & the Mind, Avatar & His Chelas
What are Angels / Will I find the happiness that I desire / How do we know what our dharma is / Could you speak about symbols and how the mind uses them to make sense of all impressions we receive / When an Avatar is attracted into a world to teach, does he bring some chelas with him
R/UK 2007/8 – At This Moment in Time I Don’t Feel That Anything is Missing in my Life and Therefore Have No Questions, Should I be Asking Questions?
At this moment in time I don’t feel that anything is missing in my life and therefore have no questions, should I be asking questions?
R/UK 2007/7 – Spiritual Families Their Evolution and Lessons
Can you please talk about Spiritual Families and their evolution and lessons
R/UK 2007/6 – What is the Ego, Understanding with the Mind but Realising with the Heart, Being Good & doing Good, Nature of Creativity (RF)
I have read that relative to the universe, this planet is like a speck of dust on Waterloo station and on that speck of dust there are 6 billion people. So on one level I can see that I am not very much at all. But on another level I know that I am something and that something is key to my motivation in life. What is that something – is it just ego or something else? / How can an unborn child benefit when we meditate / How did I choose my mum and Dad with my soul / Can you please explain to us understanding something within the mind and realising something within the heart / While we are still learning to trust our intuition, how can we tell the difference between genuine intuition and our minds telling us what we want to hear / Within the different opinions of what being good and doing good means, is there only one truth or are there many / Is the mantra that we have now the same vibration when we got our individuality from the big bang / Divinity is a neutral force and on another level a personal God – can you please talk about the ‘Personal God’ / Can you talk to us about the nature of creativity and how to increase it in our lives / Several philosophies such as those put forward by Buddhism, the Bhagavad Gita and Vivekananda say that ‘Control of the Mind’ is an essential part of Spiritual Growth. Is it possible to have control of the mind without repression?
R/UK 2007/5 – Motivation, Difference Between the Soul & the Spirit
Could you please talk to us about motivation / What is the difference between the Soul and Spirit /
R/UK 2007/3 – Building Self Confidence in Children, When to Put Conscious Effort, Euthanasia, Suicide and the Forces Behind It (RF)
How can parents best help their children build self confidence / How can we know when to put in conscious effort to change something and when we should flow with what is happening rather than change it / Putting down unwell pets and Euthanasia / Please can you speak about ending ones own life. Is it a persons destiny to end their own life and what propels someone to do it – the conscious thinking mind or a force beyond / People say that the film ‘exorcist’ is based on a true story, do things like this really exist / Can you tell us about the true nature of time and talk to us about the moment and how to live in it.
R/UK 2007/2 – Material World VS Our Spiritual Realisation, What is Life all About
If spiritual realisation is our ultimate destiny. Why as an evolving human race do we appear more and more pre-occupied with the material aspects of our world rather than doing what is necessary to achieve self knowledge / What is happiness and what is life really all about / How do we understand people who appear to be very articulate with high values and standards but their actions are totally different
R/UK 2007/1 – Looking & Measuring for The Results in Meditation and Expectations Took Away the Enjoyment of Meditating
To meditate meant a lot to me when I started 2 years ago. Unfortunately, the last year has proved difficult as I started to measure meditation with getting results and watching to see if goals were being met. This took away the wonderful feeling I had when I was first introduced to meditation. Slowly, I am discovering it again. Is this a common problem?
R/UK 2006/13 – Dreams Involving Spiritual Masters, Forgiveness, Experiencing the Disappointments in Life
Significance of dreams involving Spiritual masters / Forgiveness / Do we need to experience disappointments and low points in order to appreciate the high points in our lives.