R/UK 2006/11 – The Power of Prana, How to Become a Better Teacher
The power of Prana / How to become a better teacher
R/UK 2006/10 – Soul’s Evolution in Relation to Biological Evolution in Earth, What is Judgement Day, Problems & Intuitive Answers (RF)
Could you please talk to us about the evolution of the soul in relation to biological evolution on earth, genetically engineered organisms and cloning / What is time and does it only come into effect when we are in a physical state / What is judgement day / What does the future hold for mankind in relation to global warming / Problems and intuitive answers.
R/UK 2006/9 – How We Live our Life Determinate our Spiritual Unfoldment, Distance Myself from Negativity is Wrong, Recognise the Soulmate, Why am I Shy? (RF)
Why do some people live their lives in such a way that it is detrimental to their own Spiritual unfoldment and happiness / How do I know what I want in life / Is it wrong to distance myself from someone close who is very negative and complaining / How do we recognise our soul mate / Can watching television and films affect us karmically / Can you please explain regression / Can you please explain why I am shy of eye contact with other people / Can you please explain what is meant by the saying ' ignorance is bliss'.
R/UK 2006/8 – How Does one Prioritise their Love & Attention Between a Child and a Partner / How Can we Rise Above the Control of Parents
How does one prioritise their love and attention between a child and a partner / How can we rise above the control of parents
R/UK 2006/7 – Whatever Within so Without, What is Passion, Giving for the Sake of Giving
I am understanding that everything around me is a reflection of my inner self, is this correct / What is passion / Do energy portals exist around the world / If we give someone a finger they take a hand or arm, how do we reverse this.
R/UK 2006/6 – Responsible VS Worrying, What’s the Indicators of Spiritual Evolved Person, Remain Focused & Achieving Goals (RF)
Is there a difference between the words worrying and being responsible / Is the extent to which a man upholds high morals a good indicator of their spirituality or can one have both primitive and high morals and still be deemed spiritually evolved / Could you talk about selflessness / How can I remain consistently focused on activities in which I would like to pursue / Communicating with our partners / What is the cause of depression and how can it be helped / At what age did your reach enlightenment and how did you know when you reached there.
R/UK 2006/5 – Independence & Dependence, Feel Hurt or Let Down By Friend, Spontaneity VS Impulsiveness
Independence and Dependence / What should we do if we feel hurt or let down by a friend / What is the difference between spontaneity and impulsiveness / What is your opinion about the so called 'tricks' people use in the business world / How do I answer my child's questions and console his fears about the human cost or disasters in our world.
R/UK 2006/3 – Shallow Relationships Where is Love, Why Some People Die Young, What are Good & Bad Deeds, Trust
Why are the relationships of most people shallow and there is no love / Peace of mind and oneness / Why are there some people that die at a young age / Who is to judge what is a good deed and a bad deed / Can a person feel passionate about a belief and be non-attached / How important is trust / Why are some people mean to one another.
R/UK 2006/2 – Realising When You Truly Love Someone, Children & Spontaneity, Karma & Selfless Sevice
Love and realising when you truly love someone / Rising above doubts and becoming non-attached / Children and spontaneity / Karma and selfless service / Can one create Karma for oneself on the Spiritual path.
R/UK 2005/14 – Why Violence is At its Highest, Pains & Pleasures, Alignment of planets Have any Spiritual Impact, How do we Sow Love Where is Hate
Violence is at its highest in the Rajesh Ananda Satsang UK, what is causing this / Our body and mind returning to this existence with its pains and pleasures / Meditating with people using other practices / Do the alignment of planets have any Spiritual impact on the earth and human beings / How do we sow joy where there is sadness and how do we sow love where there is hate.
R/UK 2005/11 – Spiritual Names, When you Know That you Having A Spiritual Growth, Becoming Good In Public Talks, Free Will VS Self Realisation (RF)
Spiritual names / Spiritual growth and knowing it when you get there / Karma of countries / There have recently been a lot of terrorist attacks, hurricanes and disasters – what is happening and are these going to get worse / Can I become as good as you at public speaking, if yes, how do I achieve that goal / Is this world real or is it just one perception of many possible universes / Does free will cease once a person become self realised / Nature of evolution that occurs at this planetary level.
R/UK 2005/10 – Experience the Flow of Love Within
How can we experience the free flow of love within ourselves / Why does it hurt when love is not reflected back to us / Inner strength.
R/UK 2005/9 – Is Knowing & Accepting Oneself the Same as Knowing the Purpose of Life
Is knowing and accepting oneself the same as knowing the purpose of life.