What is pure thought?
Man thinks that he thinks, but most of the time he does not really think at all – such is the cunning nature of the mind. For pure thought, which comes from superconscious level, is always creative. It wells up from deep inside, and is a continuous process of expressing the essence of ourselves, re-creating from the limitless knowledge of the superconscious a concrete thought on the conscious level. Such thoughts emanate from the superconscious like bubbles rising from the bottom of a pond. When they reach the surface they are cognised by the conscious mind. How many of these bubbles reach the top depends on how clear the subconscious level is, and how much is able to filter through it.
Such thoughts emanate from the superconscious like bubbles rising from the bottom of a pond. When they reach the surface they are cognised by the conscious mind. How many of these bubbles reach the top depends on how clear the subconscious level is, and how much is able to filter through it.
Most of our thoughts are conditioned
Most of the thoughts that fill our mind spring from the subconscious level, and are conditioned and patterned by our samskaras. The impressions that each individual has collected in the past are different and unique to him. This is the reason why people react so differently to situations, and why a particular occurrence can upset one person very much and yet will not produce any strong reaction from another. We each see a different facet of relative truth. If we could function from the universal level, the superconscious, we would see the whole truth, the underlying reality. We would still be individuals with our own subconscious and conscious mind which would always give a uniqueness to our thoughts and our modes of expression and behaviour, but we would no longer be dominated by these levels, but rather use them to express the universal awareness.
If we could function from the universal level, the superconscious, we would see the whole truth, the underlying reality. We would still be individuals with our own subconscious and conscious mind which would always give a uniqueness to our thoughts and our modes of expression and behaviour, but we would no longer be dominated by these levels, but rather use them to express the universal awareness. At this stage we could say that our mind (or the subconscious and conscious levels of our mind) had become our tool and not our master, and the nature of our thoughts would be truly creative and free from any patterning.
…Gururaj Ananda Yogi – Path of Unfoldment
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