
Through meditation you transcend knowledge and experience wisdom

Spiritual Knowledge Base

FISU Spiritual Knowledge Base

Welcome to the FISU “Spiritual Knowledge Base” – Search using Category or Tag independently, or both together.

Practising Meditation regularly and putting in conscious effort in daily living are highly recommended to expedite Spiritual Unfoldment. However, the spiritual aspirant will continue to seek further knowledge to answer the questions that arise from within.

Recorded philosophical lectures which we call “Satsangs,” made by Gururaj,  Rajesh and Jasmini, act as a vast reservoir of information on many different subjects from the practical to the philosophic, from the metaphysical to the mystical and from the sublime to the divine! These act as a support and stepping stone whereby the spiritual aspirant can satisfy his quest for greater knowledge and understanding. This knowledge is like a spiritual food, digested and assimilated by the aspirant.

Knowledge is acquired and forms the basis of further enquiry. When this information is fully digested and assimilated, it becomes wisdom.

The FISU Spiritual Knowledge Base is a useful repository of information on hundreds of different subjects.

This information is also in audio downloadable form through the FISU Shop, which is also part of our Spiritual Knowledge Base. You can use the “Search” facility at the top of the page to search for the subject you require.

You’ll greatly enjoy some of Gururaj’s spiritual books that you will also find available for purchase in the FISU Shop.

The information is updated weekly, so please visit again soon!

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Peace cannot be found through the mind

Peace is experiential To find peace can never be done through the mind for every problem you solve will create a dozen other problems.  And when you solve those, they will create more and more and…

Neutralising bad thoughts

Changing the polarity of the mind. Keep on doing as much good as you can and you will balance out the bad karmas, the impressions or samskaras in the subconscious mind. For example, if for five…

Managing anger

Be angry with anger! If you want to be angry, by all means, be angry, but be angry with anger. Bring that to your conscious recognition when you feel angry and ask, "What is this all about? Who is…

Creating our own suffering

You do not need to suffer! "Why must people suffer?  They do not need to.  They bring it all upon themselves, totally unnecessarily.  It's like a fish being in the ocean and dying of thirst.  It…

Conceptualisations of the mind

Going beyond the processes of the mind The mind is made up of conceptualisations, but these are none else than patternings which we have created in the mind.  This is a natural process in…

Respond versus react

Respond from the Centre When we react, we are acting from the periphery. But when we respond, we are responding from the centre. There lies the difference, for the mind is peripheral; it acts from…

    Devotion through service

    Know Yourself! To be able to really love , you must start knowing yourself. If you cannot know yourself, how can you expect to know the object of your love? Loving one’s husband or wife is…

    Could you recognise Buddha or Christ?

    Superconscious light If we see Buddha or Christ walking down the road, how many of us would be able to recognise them?  They would seem so ordinary, and they would do all the ordinary things we…

    Thoughts in meditation

    The mind cannot remain a vacuum Many teachings tell you that you must have no thoughts when you meditate. That is a fallacy for thought itself is part of meditation.  You do not need…

    Our lives are governed by our attitudes

    Right thinking – positive results! Our lives are governed by our attitudes.  If you have the right attitude towards life, you will find things just coming and happening for you. Everything comes…

    Trying to define Gurushakti

    The power of God's grace If you define gurushakti, you would be trying to define God, and God is grace. Your mind is finite and could never comprehend the infinite, no matter how much you try. Your…

     From self-belief to self-recognition

    Believe in yourself.  Recognise yourself Recognise your true worth, that you are divine. Fix the mind on this, whatever you are doing, whether in the factory, the office, or wherever. Always be…

    Choose a course and locate your nearest teaching centre

    Our Meditation Courses run most weeks of the year, and there could be a teaching centre in your location. View our non-residential and residential courses and then locate your nearest teaching centre

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    A unique system of individually prescribed meditation

    The world's only individually prescribed meditation system. Your personal transformation is expedited as your will receive a unique set of individually prescribed meditation, mindful and spiritual practices

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